Who we areAndy Cawthera
Andy has worked as an economist in the DfE and at the World Bank and as an education adviser at DFID. During his varied career in education, economics and development he has also worked for a range of international NGOs and UK charities. His interest in adult literacy and people's movement's started while undertaking research into the effectiveness and impact of adult literacy in Bangladesh with Nijera Shikhi in 1997. He then undertook a follow up study in 2000. Since then it has always been at the back of his mind to try to re-start this movement when possible and still sees the Nishi model as being unique amongst the many and varied educational initiatives he has seen and worked with. Marina Svistak Marina is an economist who started her career in investment banking. After taking a Master's degree she moved into the charitable sector working for New Philanthropy Capital before moving to the venture philanthropists Impetus-PEF where she works as an investment manager. Munsur Rhaman Munsur worked as Nijera Shikhi's programme manager in the late 1990's having previously worked with John Hastings in developing different literacy initiatives. He has worked for several international NGOs and multilaterals including BRAC and Save the Children having recently been a consultant with UNICEF on their “hard to reach children's programme.” Like Andy it has also been at the back of his mind to re-start this movement and he also sees Nishi as unique amongst the many initiatives he has been involved with. |