Tahera BegumTahera Begum is 25 and has two children. Now that she is literate and numerate she finds it easier to maintain the family in a better way and to plan to keep it small. She has lambs, goats, ducks and chickens. She sold her cow to buy corrugated iron for her house. She teaches her son who is 10 years old and her daughter who is 7. They have both recently started school and can sign their names and read simple books. Before the course started she had four hens and she now has eight She used to have five ducks and now has fifteen. The increase is because she has learnt how to improve keeping poultry due to her reading in the course. She now knows that she can get the birds vaccinated by the livestock officer and that she has to give them tablets. Tahera has planted two mango, two jackfruit and four coconut trees, and eighteen shishu trees for firewood. Furthermore she has started a vegetable garden where she grows pumpkin and greens. She and her family intend to eat some of the extra fruit and vegetables and to sell the rest.